TEDxBedford 2014 TEAM
TEDxBedford is a not for profit event and is undertaken entirely voluntarily. The TEDxBedford team make the magic happen. We are a friendly bunch so do say hi.
Kayte Judge
Kayte is a curator producer for Bedford Creative Arts and runs Creative Bedfordshire, Bedford Culture Network and Pecha Kucha Bedford. She is a mum of two and fan of ‘Do’. Often tired but rarely beaten, this is her second TEDxBedford. Chat with her at @kaytejudge.
Stephen Judge
Stephen Judge is founder and director of Bonfire Creative Intelligence. He is also a director of Bedford Film Festival and brings a continued devotion and passion for supporting peer-to-peer knowledge transfer, education, networking and developing the creative and local community to the TEDxBedford party. You can find Stephen on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Rachel Volpe
Rachel is a Deputy Regional Manager for Public Health England, specialising in substance misuse treatment. Rachel joins us for a second year of TEDxBedford after loving every minute of the last one, where she assisted with supporting the sponsors for the event. When asked why be involved in this year’s TEDxBedford by Design? The retort: I just cannot resist the community, the achievement and the enthusiasm that TEDx creates – it’s contagious, it’s inspiring – how could you not want to be part of that! You can find Rachel on LinkedIn and @VolpeRachel.
Paul Hutchinson
Paul is a founding director of Bedford Film Festival, an organisation conceived at TEDxBedford‘s inaugural event in 2013.
Understanding that multiplex cinemas can’t always cater for everyone’s tastes Paul broached the idea of an independent film festival with Richard Jobson and Stephen Judge, and together they turned that idea into reality. Bedford Film Festival has since acted as a catalyst and now supports others host film screenings for the benefit of the local community and wider area.
Paul’s professional career spans over ten years in broadcast journalism and public relations. He is currently PR and Marketing Executive at Black Letter PR and tweets @Hutch_PR.
Caroline Clark
Caroline may be known to you through her company Happiness Matters, which staged the inspiring Bedford Happiness Experience in March this year to celebrate International Day of Happiness. She is a personal and business coach whose mission it is to encourage people to get serious about their happiness. She is practicing what she teaches by getting involved with TEDx again this year – connecting to people, getting involved in something bigger than herself, learning new stuff, and having some great fun along the way. You can find Caroline on LinkedIn.
Annette Hickey
Annette Hickey works part time at Bedford School and is a mother of four boys. She is also a company Director of The Bedford Pantomime Co. where she has been Producer for the past four years with additional responsibility for costume. The BPC is a not-for-profit theatre company which has donated over £15,000 to local children’s charities since their formation in 2006. Annette is passionate about community and enabling people to find a niche where they can grow as individuals. She is also a Brownie Guide Leader and has been active in her local area, organising village wide events over the past decade. You can find Annette on Twitter here.
If you are interested in getting involved please email us at TEDxBedford@gmail.com.