Cloud Activity: Chocolate and mindfulness.
Mindfulness makes your focus and attention better, makes you a better listener, promotes clear thinking under stress and in crisis, teaches compassion towards oneself and others.
Per will be will be offering you an opportunity to still your mind as part of our ‘cloud’ of activities on the day. At his cloud activity you can try mindfulness meditation techniques used in practising becoming a mindful person and learn how to incorporate mindfulness in your daily activities through the use of chocolate eating.
Per has studied, practised and facilitated mindfulness since 2009. He set up Mindfulness Meditation Bedford in 2012 to support his local community which is now established as the go-to place for learning and practising mindfulness in the area.
Through inMindSight, Per delivers the Bangor University approved 8-week MBSR programme and offers 1to1 coaching, weekend courses, workshops and retreats to individuals, couples, teams and organisations throughout the UK.